YUM 2001-02-16

YUM 2001-02-16

  1. That any and all abnormalities in closing, at any location, be reported to my extension 4986 via voicemail (Brief and Yum) and e-mail (Ray will be responsible for this at the main store). I will, in turn, inform Chuck and the vault room as to what possibly took place and possible reasons why there will be reports missing, etc.
  2. Starting today, I would like all locations to include in their closing procedure and subsequent opening procedure, a normal IPL. Currently, only the main store does an IPL at closing. That will now be extended to both the Brief and Yum locations. Additionally, all stores will perform an ILP prior to or after “Opening” the store on the controller. This will add little, if any, to the amount of time required to do the appropriate task.

I’m just putting it out here to make sure everyone sees it. It should eventually go into the Comm Log.

YUM 2001-02-14

YUM 2001-02-14

You can call it a hangover! Ha ha.  Then there’s something wrong w/ the scanner, so I’ve resorted to typing everything in manually.  Good practice, I guess…. for what -> I’ve yet to find out.  🙂  Oh, customers!  Woohoo 🙂




Okay leads — I’m sure you’ve heard already, but I’m just going to remind you again we have to IPL the controller.  It has to be done both in the morning (when you open) and at night (when you close) before you start the reports.  If it doesn’t get done the Yum could get screwed up like the Brief.  Here’s how you do it:

  • Alt + Print Screen
  • C
  • 2 (Controller Functions) + Enter
  • 4 (Load Controller Storage) + Enter
  • Y + Enter
  • Press NumLock before Signing In


<3 Katrina